Nd:YVO$_4$ Laser

Here, I discuss a (real) 100-MHz Nd:YVO4 laser mode-locked with a SESAM (SEmiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror) regarding its stability.

In [1]:
import sympy as sym
import numpy as np

wlP, wlL, wL, wA = sym.symbols('lambda_P lambda_L w_L w_A', real=True)
TR, tauP, tauL = sym.symbols('T_R tau_P tau_L', real=True)
Toc, etaP = sym.symbols('T_{oc} eta_P', real=True)
DR = sym.Symbol('\Delta R', real=True)
DRns = sym.Symbol('\Delta R_{ns}', real=True)
FsatA, FsatL = sym.symbols('F_{satA} F_{satL}', real=True)
Pstmax, gstmax = sym.symbols('P_{stmax} g_{stmax}', real=True)

# Laser parameters:
v = {wlP: 808e-9,
     Toc: 8.7e-2,
     wlL: 1064e-9,
     wL: 80e-6,
     wA: 140e-6,
     TR: 1 / 100.25e6,
     tauP: 10.6e-12,
     tauL: 100e-6,
     FsatL: 82e-3 / 1e-4,
     FsatA: 60e-6 / 1e-4,
     DR: 1.7e-2,
     DRns: 1.3e-2,
     Pstmax: 4.6}

Output Power

We have seen in a previous notebook that the calculation of the steady-state output power is not a simple task (sympy was unable to find an analytical solution). We will therefore address this problem numerically.

In [2]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq

def qP(EP, DR, EsatA):
    """Loss at SESAM"""
    S = EP / EsatA
    if type(EP) is float:
        exp = np.exp
        exp = sym.exp
    return(DR / S * (1 - exp(-S)))

EsatA, EsatL = sym.symbols('E_{satA} E_{satL}', real=True)
Pst, gst, l, EP = sym.symbols('P_{st} g_{st} l E_P', real=True)
PP = sym.symbols('P_P')

# Derived:
v[EsatL] = np.pi * v[wL]**2 * v[FsatL]
v[EsatA] = np.pi * v[wA]**2 * v[FsatA]
v[etaP] = v[wlP] / v[wlL]
v[l] = v[Toc] + v[DRns]
v[gstmax] = v[l] + qP(v[Pstmax] * v[TR], v[DR], v[EsatA])

# Steady-state equations:
gst_ = sym.Eq(gst, l + qP(Pst * TR, DR, EsatA))
Pst_ = sym.Eq(Pst, -EsatL / tauL + etaP * PP / gst)

Pst_.subs(gst_.lhs, gst_.rhs)

$$P_{{st}} = - \frac{E_{{satL}}}{\tau_{L}} + \frac{P_{P} \eta_{P}}{\frac{E_{{satA}} \Delta R}{P_{{st}} T_{R}} \left(1 - e^{- \frac{P_{{st}} T_{R}}{E_{{satA}}}}\right) + l}$$

In [3]:
# The root of this function is the steady-state intracavity power:
rootfunc = Pst_.subs(gst_.lhs, gst_.rhs).rhs - Pst
rootfunc = rootfunc.subs(v)

# The pump-threshold is:
PPthreshold = (EsatL / tauL * (l + DR) / etaP).subs(v)

N = 100
PPrange = np.linspace(PPthreshold, (Pstmax * Toc / etaP).subs(v), N)
Pstrange = np.zeros(N)

for i in range(N):
    PPi = PPrange[i]
    offs = (EsatL / tauL).subs(v)
    # assume non-linear losses (qP(EP)) = 0:
    upperBound = (-offs + PPi * etaP / l).subs(v)
    # assume max. non-linear losses (qP(EP) = DR):
    lowerBound = (-offs + PPi * etaP / (l + DR)).subs(v)
    f = sym.lambdify(Pst, rootfunc.subs(PP, PPi))
    Pstrange[i] = brentq(f, lowerBound, upperBound)

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

# Initial slope efficiency (@ Pst = 0):
rho0 = (etaP * Toc / (l + DR)).subs(v)

fig, ax1 = pl.subplots()
pl.title('Output Power vs Pump Power')
pl.plot(PPrange, Toc.subs(v) * Pstrange, r'b-');
pl.plot([PPthreshold, PPrange[-1]], [0, rho0 * (PPrange[-1] - PPthreshold)],
pl.xlabel('Pump Power (W)');
pl.ylabel('Output Power (W)', color='b');
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(PPrange, Pstrange * (TR / EsatA).subs(v), r'r-')
ax2.set_ylabel('S-Parameter (1)', va='bottom', rotation=270, color='r');

The plot shows that the laser operates far above the lasing threshold. A comparison to a straight line (dashed) shows that the slope efficiency increases at higher power due to stronger bleaching of the absorber (i.e. lower losses).

Apparently, the saturable absorber is not saturated very strongly as $S$ remains $<1$.